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Promoting and supporting the Lewiston Public Library


Keep checking back to our website for updates 

2025 Speaker Series information below


We are a volunteer group that supports the Lewiston Public Library by funding special projects and helping with budgetary constraints.

Since its organization in 1982, the Friends of the Lewiston Public Library have supported the library through advocacy and fundraising effort.  The group was founded to "promote

understanding and appreciation of the functions, the materials and services offered by the library."  The Friends primarily raise funds through their used book sales for expansion and

improvement of the services offered to the Lewiston community by the library. The Friends support and assist the library by sponsoring both adult and children's programs throughout the year.


                                                     Children's learning  computers            

    Children's learning kits


Meetings are open to any interested people.  Meetings are in the Community Room of the library the second Tuesday of each month

at 6 pm.

Officers for 2024:

President: JoAnne Lotterio

Vice President: Rita Geiben

Treasurer: Jo Merino

Secretary: Marcia Halliday

Childrens Learning Kits
Children's Learning Computers
Community Meeting Room

Open the page on your phone by scanning the QR Code with the camera. 


Picture of Book Donation Room
Book donation room


We happily accept books, audio books, CDs, videos and DVDs.  You can leave them at the front desk of the library during regular library hours.  For very large donations please call the library to make arrangements for drop off.

Funds generated by these donations go into our accounts to be used to further our goals of supporting the library.  This is our only ongoing fundraiser.  Unfortunately, we cannot accept the following:

  • encyclopedias or other outdated reference materials

  • sets or collections

  • textbooks

  • Reader's Digest condensed books

  • magazines

  • records

  • cassettes

  • moldy or strong smelling materials

Pink Sugar

Membership is open to any interested persons.  There are several ways to join. 

  1. Pick up a membership form in the Book Sale Donation Room and mail your check or hand the form and check to the library circulation desk.

  2. Send a check to Jo Merino, c/o Lewiston Public Library, 305 S. 8th St., Lewiston, NY 14092.

  3. Fill out the form below.

Membership Contact Information

Thanks for submitting!

Friendly Gathering usually occurs every fall. This is a gathering of community friends to enjoy good conversation, food and the library. Check back for our 2024 date.
Speaker Series This is an evening with a guest speaker.  We are always open to suggestions for speakers.  Please contact JoAnne Lotterio at with your suggestions.  Please check back for the Speaker and date for 2025.

Please join us on September 18 from 6-8 pm in the Lewiston Public Library for our 2024 Speaker Series.  Our speaker is author, historian and a Mark Twain scholar Thomas J. Reigstad. Mr. Reigstad will be speaking about his latest book "The Illustrated Mark Twain and the Buffalo Express".  Mark Twain wrote columns for the Buffalo Express while living on Delaware Avenue in Buffalo.  Mr. Reigstad will be speaking about Twain's connection to WNY.  Two of his books will be available for sale and author signing.  Mr. Reigstad will also be available for a Q&A.  There is no fee for the event but we do need your RSVP by September 16 to make sure we have enough space.  Call Joanne Lotterio 716-531-2313 to make a reservation.  Light refreshments will be served.  See you then.
Speaker Series Norah Perez 2023_edited_e
Thomas J. Reigstad
2024 Volunteer Award.jpg
2nd Volunteer Award 2022 Donna Franey_ed
2nd Volunteer Award 2022 Kitty Pierce_ed
1st Volunteer Award Bruce Sutherland 202
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